Let Fib(n) denote the predicate “n is a Fibonacci number” and Prime(n) denote the predicate “n is a prime”. Please translate the following statement into a formula in predicate logic: “There is a Fibonacci number that is a prime.”
另外請問一個敘述句There exists a program to determine whether or not any arbitrary program can stop, and this program has to execute with exponential time complexity. 是錯的嗎? 因為我覺得一個不會stop的程式,用另一個程式去測試它,測試者也不知何時停。 這樣想法有問題嗎?
2.Let A be a nonempty set and B = { α | α is a relation on A}. if α, β 屬於 B,we define α * β as the composition of α and β. Then * is a binary operation on B