
[離散] - 圖論 2

1. Suppose G=(V,E) where V = {(1,3),(1,4),(1,6),(2,3),(2,5),(2,7),(3,7),(4,6),(4,7),(5,6)}

(d)Is G = ({1,2,4,5},{(1,4),(2,5),(5,6)}) a subgraph of G?
(e)Is the subgraph of G induced by {2,4,5,6,7} biconnected?


2.Suppose G=(V1,E1),H=(V2,E2) G,H is isomorphic,which of the statements are correct?
(a)|V1|=|V2| and |E1|=|E2|
(b)If G has Hamiltonian path, H has HP.
(c)If G is not planar,H isn't.
(d)If G has a matching of size k, H has,too
(e)G and H has same chromatic number.

4.Explain why every n-vertex srongly connected digraph contains at least n arcs


2 則留言:

線代離散助教(wynne) 提到...

1. 題目應該是有些小錯誤, 這裡打的 V={...}應該是邊集 E={...}, 然後 V={1,2,...,7}; (d)是true, 因為{1,2,4,5}⊆V, {(1,4),(2,5),(5,6)}⊆E; (e)是true, 因為 G 取 {2,4,5,6,7} 這些點所形成的induced subgraph會是一個 5-cycle, 你可以畫出來看看

2. 全部都是對的

4. digraph裡的edge就是arc; 如果最多只有n-1個arc, 則最多就只有n-1個點的indegree>0, 那就會至少有一個點沒有path走進來

Chesley 提到...
