
證明 euler phi-function誰可提供代數證法

Definition. Let n be a positive integer. The number of positive integers less than or equal to n which are relatively prime to n will be denoted by f(n). This function is called Euler's phi-function, or the totient function.
\. If the prime factorization of n is n = p1^m1 p2^m2 · · · pn^mn , then
1. 若p為一質數,則 f(p^k)=p^k-p^(k-1)
2. f(n) = n(1-1/p1)(1-1/p2) · · · (1-1/pk). k=4作例證即可

4 則留言:

Kyle 提到...

這裡有詳細的解釋 請參考 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TotientFunction.html

闇風落雨 提到...

大大您提供的好像是數論的證法...不之有沒有辦法用Zn 這個環來證..

Kyle 提到...

那我就不清楚囉. 我覺得這種證法只用到因數的定義, 還沒有深到該把它歸類於數論. 有題目限制解法嗎?

闇風落雨 提到...
